Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One down; one to go

Late yesterday the Senate Finance Committee, after hearing from Paul Hanlon, agreed to concur with the house amendments to S. 86, the trust bill. It's on for action this morning when the senate convenes at 8:15. I expect quick action and then the bill is off to the governor for review and signing. I'll update you later.
On the wills and estates bill, which I've been referring to as H. 11, we need to follow the progress of S. 26. The house incorporated H. 11 into S. 26; so H. 11 as a bill is gone. For those of you following its progress since January turn your attention to the senate bill which contains the exact same language. The house conferees are Willem Jewett, Peg Flory and Eldred French. The senate members are Kevin Mullin, Dick Sears, and John Campbell. As it's a senate bill, the conference committee is chaired by the house, in this case Willem, as he is the first conferee named by the speaker.
When I spoke with Willem yesterday he was anxious to get a quick meeting and resolve the differences between the two versions. Remember that the matters in dispute DO NOT relate to the original H. 11 language; both chambers fully support that bill's contents. The problem lies in senate-added language dealing with assitant judges. I'll report when I have more information as to the progress of this conference committee.

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