Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vermont Legal Aid

Vermont Legal Aid did not receive any increase in its state funding in the house version of the FY 2010 budget. This follows two rescissions during 2008 that cost VLA $170,000! That figure is reached because there is a 50% federal funds match to general fund dollars used for legal services. Despite the efforts of VLA’s Executive Director, Eric Avildsen, the VBA and many of you, we were unable to prevent those rescissions or increase funding in the house version of the budget for next year. The net result is that VLA’s funding is less than it received from the state in 2001.
The budget will soon be in the hands of the senate. The Senate Appropriations Committee is generally favorable and sympathetic to VLA. Now is the time for you to get involved to help guarantee access to justice for all Vermonters. Call the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee: Senators Bartlett; Kitchell; Sears; Miller; Snelling; Illuzzi; and Shumlin. Tell them it’s vital that VLA is able to carry on its work.

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